When people die in Vanuatu they mourn by making a ton of food and spending time together as a family. Here are some photos of one family mourning the loss of a grandfather and making lap lap and eating sip sip (lamb). |

Another amazing week down!
This week started off with Sista Eron sick . . . again. We spent Monday
night taking care of her, but she just got worse as the night progressed.
She had a burning fever that wouldn't break, was throwing up almost every 20
minutes, couldn't eat or drink anything, couldn't stand without falling and
eventually even started throwing up blood. I have never felt so helpless
in my life!! The hospitals in Vanuatu are AWFUL and so we couldn't take
her to an emergency room or even to a clinic. All we could do was put a
cold rag on her forehead and try to help her any little way we knew how. We called
the eldas to give her a priesthood blessing. Luckily on Tuesday the
mission nurse was able to give her an IV drip and get 2L of water in her, and
on Wednesday the two of them flew to Papa New Guinea to get the medical care she
needs. We found out that she has abdominal tuberculosis and because there
is a small, small chance it was contagious, Sista Rivera, Tagini and I were
tested. We all came back negative, so that's good. Please continue
to keep Sista Eron in your prayers. She has a long recovery ahead of her
and will most likely not be returning to her mission.
Mama Sarah's baptism with Sisters Rivera, Draper & Tagini |
We had the chance to teach Grim
again this week. I don't know if you remember, but he is the man that
has a ton of questions, kind of like Joseph Smith. . . .well, that's what I
thought at first. As we have continued to teach him we have gotten the
feeling that he isn't interested in learning, but more interested in proving us
wrong. This week as we taught him, it got to the point where it just felt
like we were "Bible bashing" and the spirit had left. I prayed
to know what to do and immediately I felt like we needed to bear our
testimonies. The three of us: Sista Rivera, Tagini and I, bore our
testimonies that we know that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
is God's church once again on the earth and that The Book of Mormon is
true. When we were finished, Grim didn't have anything to say. It
was amazing to see what the spirit can do and the power it has to convey
something that can't be put into words.
Friday we FINALLY moved (I say
finally because we have been waiting over two weeks to get into this
house)!! The Coral Motel was just too small and we need a bigger house
for hosting new and finishing missionaries. I love our new house and I
love it even more now that we have our Christmas tree up with lights.
Sometimes at night Sista Rivera makes milo (hot cocoa) and we just sit in our
living room listening to Christmas carols and staring at the tree:)
Elda Christensen, me, Emily, Noel, Shem, Sista Tagini, Sista Rivera |
Saturday was the best day
ever!! We had a baptism for 4 of our investigators: Emily and Shem,
Papa Pakoa and Mama Emily. Papa Pakoa is missing a leg due to diabetes
and has a solid, solid testimony. He teaches us, we don't teach
him. Baptizing him was a little hard, but with the help of our amazing
Eldas, it was done and Pakoa couldn't have been happier. Mama Sarah bore
an incredible testimony after her baptism about how reading the scriptures and being
taught by the missionaries has brought into her home a feeling she never wants
to leave.
Bong and Papa Pakoa |
Emily and Shem were our first
"family" baptism. They have 5 pikinini and 3 are already members.
The youngest is only 6 years old and we are going to invite their oldest son
and wife to hear the discussions. Emily was in tears by the end of the
program and just kept saying how much she loved us and how happy she was.
Ahhhhhh have I told you how much I love being a missionary??? It's the best!!
I know this Church is true!! I
know it. I know it. I know it! I am so thankful for the two
hours of study time I have every day to learn from the scriptures and other
church materials. If you aren't taking the time each and every day to
talk with our Heavenly Father and learn from him- DO IT!! God is aware of
us and loves us sooo much!